Reinny Almonte
Ericeira, Portugal


On 12 November 2024 in Ericeira, Portugal

This is a previous "now" letter. For a more recent update read the latest letter, or navigate to the archive where you'd find previous letters like this one.


I haven't (yet) published the second story, but right now I'm working on a larger story that will have three smaller sub-stories.

On the side, I joined a Reddit community for providing feedback for other writers with the intention of improving my capacity for structuring and deconstructing writing pieces.

I'm currently searching for a workshop/community to keep on learning and growing.

Little Mo

While a friend and I were walking through a nearby forest, we found a little chicken that seemed lost. According to the people who lived around there, there were no farms close by, and because of the rain season, we convinced ourselves that the best option would be to take the chicken with us and find a farm where she could live.

She stayed in my bathroom; at a cafe nearby, we were gifted a box that served as her home, although she didn't enjoy being in it. We named her Mo, but I'm sure she had another name before.

I cannot express how lovely it was to hear the chicken chirp and show her around the house and outside. She only stayed with me for two nights because my friend found someone who lived nearby and offered to house Mo with other chickens. They were kind in receiving her, so I felt happy to know she'd be in good hands.

Mo in the forest, the first encounter Mo in her box for the first time Not sure if she liked the box or not Exploring outside, she caught a worm!